In the last 15 years, the FPGA technology had an explosion in popularity and capabilties. If a few years ago, a one million gates FPGA was considered a large device, today is almost a middle-range device. All in all, FPGA is a technology that allows you to have complex functionality in a small space. Hardware TCP/IP, MAC, UDP, Hardcoded and SoftCoded microprocessors, 10G and 40G SerDes, Hardcoded 1G and 10G MAC has made of this technology a must have option. We have experience designing several complex IP, some of which takes almost one million gates to implement. It is almost impossible to think of having something really advanced without a FPGA inside.
Use the power of an FPGA to win your competitors! Let us design your SoC.
Neutronix's team is incredibly knowledgeable and very reliable. I have worked with Neutronix on a number of projects and the company has delivered an excellent product each time..
Crypta Labs, CTO